Campbelltown ArtHouse
Organiser email
Sun, 10/07/2022 - 10:00 - Sun, 10/07/2022 - 11:30
Cost of entry
Campbelltown ArtHouse 168 Montacute Rd Rostrevor
Post code

Indigenous Art Workshop : Working and Painting with Ochre
In this workshop you will learn a small part of the history of Ochre and how Aboriginal people have sourced, used, and maintained a strong cultural connection to Ochre. It is still very important to Aboriginal people for ceremonies.
You will crush and blend Ochre with a fixative, traditional owners used natural fixatives. Then using your crushed Ochre to create your own painting.
You may even want to “trade” your ochre with someone else to get a different colour.
Ochre has immense value and vast uses for Aboriginal people in an unbroken history that dates back to when megafauna roamed across Australia
Ochre has been used in traditional painting and ceremonies across this timeless land and is continuing to be used the same way in Aboriginal communities today.
Ochre held great value as a resource traded across Aboriginal groups throughout Australia.
Includes Materials -
Ochre, crushing rocks/stones, paper-bark, linen canvas sheets, black card, pvc glue,
Plus, a take home container of Ochre