Shannan Dodson, NAIDOC Committee

Because of her, I can!
My name is Shannan Dodson and I am a Yawuru (Broome area) woman who was born in Katherine in the NT, now living in Redfern, Sydney.
For NAIDOC Week I want to honour my Aunty/Mum Patricia Dodson-Jauncey who helped me to feel strong in my Aboriginal identity. She always taught me to be true to myself, and be strong in who I am. She is an inspiring role model to me.
She was my Dad's youngest sister, and we sadly lost her to cancer. Although she was the youngest, she held our large family together and was the glue that kept us all strong and resilient. She always treated me as a daughter and encouraged me to be the best I could be.
She would yarn to the young ones about our family history and she wanted to make sure that our culture and our traditions continue on for the next generations. I miss her everyday and picture her smiling face and infectious laugh.
Shannan Dodson is currently Communications Manager for the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Leadership and Engagement) Office at the University of Technology Sydney, Shannan is passionate about First Nations' rights and understanding mental health issues.