Chern'ee Sutton
Chern’ee Sutton has accomplished more than people many years older than her 17 years. Not only is she an extremely talented contemporary Indigenous artist, she has used her gifts and her art to benefit others.
To date, Chern’ee has donated more than $60,000 worth of art to charities and organisations across Australia to raise much needed funds. Funds from Cher’nee’s art enabled the Queensland under-15 football team to fly to Papua New Guinea. Through Chern’ee’s fundraising efforts, a woman was flown to the USA to receive a hearing operation. Funds also contributed to assisting flood victims in Bundaberg and the list goes on.
Chern’ee’s passion for reconciliation inspires a lot of her art. Proudly, two of Chern’ee’s artworks hang in Queensland’s Parliament House, one on permanent display on level 5. The art work is called Ajarku Muruu which in Kalkadoon language, means “All One Country”. Chern’ee is also on display in the Queensland Government’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and Multicultural Affairs Office in Brisbane.
A young woman who has not only freely given her time and artwork to improve her community and the lives of others, Chern’ee is a dedicated and inspiring person.